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World Classic Baits

Sunday, January 5, 2014

New Year's Resolution 2014

Hello everybody. Just a quick post after a few month break. I apologize I haven't provided anything interesting to read lately. I thought I'd share a few New Years Resolutions to kick things off in 2014. First of all, I'm going to do a better job of writing up my trips and posting other interesting things to this blog. I recently bought some new memory cards so my goal is to post more pictures and videos. Secondly, another fishing resolution is to fish more overnight trips this year. That may mean less day/short trips, which dominated my 2013. I find these trips to be hit or miss mainly. I usually catch, but not necessarily what I would consider "a lot." So those are my New Years Resolutions for 2014. Get ready to read more interesting reports and product reviews this year!